Clion Platformio Serial Monitor

The current arduino development workflow in CLion with serial monitor looks like:

Clion Platformio Serial Monitor

  • New monitor target which allows to launch Serial Monitor automatically after successful 'build' or 'upload' operations Project generator for VIM Multi-line support for the different options in Project Configuration File 'platformio.ini', such as: buildflags, buildunflags, etc.
  • Arduino = Arduino IDE mbed = ARM = IAR, gcc, Keil ESP8266 = SDK + Editor, Arduino IDE AVR = AVR Studio, gcc 6. C/C Intelligent Code Completion and Smart Code Linter. Built-in Terminal with PlatformIO CLI tool and powerful Serial Port Monitor. Colourful command-line output.
  1. Make code changes
  2. Upload firmware
  3. Connect serial monitor
  4. Test stuff you wrote
  5. Disconnect serial monitor.
  6. Go to 1

The 3rd and 6th items are very annoying but necessary because serial monitor and firmware upload tool (avrdude) cannot use the port simultaneously (can they?). It would be good if those steps could be done automatically. However I'm not sure if it's can be done solely in serial monitor, probably it requires cooperation between serial monitor, CLion and platformio developers.


Clion Platformio Serial Monitor Power Cord

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Clion Platformio Serial Monitor Software

PlatformIO IDE is the next-generation integrated development environment for IoT: Cross-platform build system without external dependencies to the OS software: 300+ embedded boards, 15+ development platforms, 10+ frameworks C/C Intelligent Code Completion and Smart Code Linter for rapid professional development Multi-projects workflow with multiple panes and Themes support with dark.

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