Auto Clicker For Mac Book Pro

Mouse Clicker can automatically click your mouse up to 1000 times per second or with regular intervals. There is no limit on the wait between intervals, meaning you can set the Mouse Clicker to click the mouse 1 time for example: every 10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days. IClickMac is a free and easy-to-use lightweight auto clicker for Mac OS X. Simple, Easy and Free to try Mouse Automation Utility for Mac to automate Left or Right Mouse Button Clicking. The Auto Clicker provides multiple ways to Start and Stop the Auto Clicking of Mouse Cursor. Depending on your convenience and usage you can use any of the available options to Start and Stop the Clicking of this Auto Clicker for Mac.

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OS X :: Cursor Moving And Clicking On Its Own?

Jan 25, 2010

well this problem recently developed probably within the last three months. Occasionally, while using my macbook pro my cursor will begin to make slight movements on its own. However, sometimes the movements are larger and can involve the cursor clicking and remaining 'clicked' on something.
Attached to my macbook is a wireless logitech keyboard, and a Razer Copperhead mouse. Prior to the copperhead I had a logitech mx518 but the problem still remained. I do not know what causes my cursor to move on its own and the issue does seem to occur when the mouse is unplugged as well. There is no dust or particles interfering with the optical sensor on the mouse and I am using a standard, clean, cloth pad. I just want to know what to do to correct this issue.

OS X :: MBP - Cursor Clicking / Dragging Files Automatically?

Mar 30, 2009

I love my 1st generation MacBook Pro 15' very much. She's running the latest Leopard update, and everything was running smoothly up until a couple of days ago. For some reason, the computer seems to think that I'm constantly holding down the mouse button. No matter what application I'm in, the cursor starts acting up - dragging boxes and files in finder, dragging things off the dock instead of hovering over them, etc etc. This doesn't happen all the time, and I'm not sure what triggers it, but it somehow seems to happen more often later in the day. Sometimes it stops within seconds, sometimes it's a couple of minutes before it goes back to normal.
Sometimes clicking the real mouse button a couple of times or pressing escape fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. My first thought was that it was Blender causing a problem, as that's the first place the problem showed up. When I noticed the same thing occuring in Finder, after a fresh reboot, I thought maybe a hack I had recently applied was the culprit, but nothing came to mind. To be on the safe side, I tried making a hack-free account and using it for a while, but to no avail-same problem (less often, however). Now, getting desperate, I switched over to my Boot Camp partition. The problem reared its ugly head there, too - not nearly as often, however...just two or three times in my two hours there.

Applications :: Moving Cursor To Button Automatically?

Mar 10, 2010

I currently have Steermouse installed but I only use it for this 'snap to' function - I only use the track pad. Are there any other apps (pref free) that provide this function? I am experiencing loss of cursor movement after hibernation and always have to restart the machine. I am going to un-install Steermouse pretty soon and then see if the problem still occurs. In the meantime if there are any alternatives it would be good to know. I am surprised its not a built in standard pref!

IMac (Intel) :: Moving Or Clicking Cursor Triggers Spinning Ball That Takes Forever?

Sep 2, 2014

spinning ball with movement and clicking cursor. spins forever. temporary fix running disc utilities, clean my mac and roboot. Same error found in safari preferences but recurs frequently and requires repeating fix for brief correction.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.66 Ghz processor

MacBook Pro :: Clicking Makes Cursor Jump To Dock

Jun 18, 2012

(For reference, this is happening on my new 15' Retina Macbook Pro, and the trackpad update has been applied.)I'm not sure if this is a trackpad issue or if I'm somehow clicking 'wrong,' but I've noticed this issue with my trackpad, and it hasn't happened on the previous macs I've used.About 20% of the time, when I click on something with my trackpad, the cursor jumps all the way down to the dock and clicks there. This ends up opening random programs and is generally annoying. Clicking also sometimes 'deselects' and grays out the current window, which is generally odd.This typically happens when I'm working quickly or clicking the button hard, so I'm not sure if maybe there's a trackpad setting I don't understand or I'm inadvertantly making a multitouch gesture to select the dock? (Is that even possible?) Am interested to find out if this is something I'm doing wrong or if this is an actual trackpad issue.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Moving But Not Clicking

Jun 27, 2012

When my macbook is awoken from standby the trackpad moves the cursor around as normal but will not respond to a tap or a click. A restart won't get it working again, but a little later it will start working once more. At the moment I can't identify what gets it going, possibly by clicking using the magic mouse but can't be certain of that.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Logs Out When Moving Cursor To Hot Corner?

Jun 28, 2014

My mid 2012 Macbook Pro keeps logging out when moving cursor to the bottom right hot corner (which I have set to the desktop).Â
I am running Mavericks 10.9.3. I've checked my settings but can't seem to find a solution.

MacBook Pro :: Cursor Moving Slightly When Click Trackpad

Jun 4, 2014

I just got a MacBook Pro, and the button being part of the trackpads touch area is cusing me problems. Freuently when I go to click the button it moves the cursor slightly causing the click to be in the wrong place.Â
Is there a way to turn off the lower area of the trackpad or something? Can I replace it with a trackpad with a seperate button?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

MacBook Air :: Cursor Automatically Clicks On Item If Hover Over It?

Jun 20, 2014

In theory, that sounds nice - just point and it clocks itself - but it's not great. Links inadvertently activated, pages opened while I'm still reading the last one. It's a hassle. I went toTrackPad preferences and slowed the tracking speed, but it still does it. I'm using Mavericks. Is there a way to turn this feature off?Â

MacBook Pro :: Why Does Cursor Keep Moving To Different Part Of Page / Worse Still Entire Copy Will Disappear

Jun 23, 2014

I have an old Macbook Pro which has become slow and unresponsive. Why does my cursor keep moving to a different part of the page or worse still the entire copy will disappear. Â Hardware Overview:Â Â
Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro2,2 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.33 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache: 4 MB Memory: 2 GB Bus Speed: 667 MHz Boot ROM Version: MBP22.00A5.B07 SMC Version (system): 1.12f5 Serial Number (system):

Mac Pro :: Moving Cursor Across Dual Displays

Jun 6, 2012

On my left I have a new HP 2311 23' monitor (maximum dpi 1600x900). On my right I have an old 23' Apple HD Cinema Display (max resolution 1920x1200). Both have a 16:9 aspect ratio. I just added the HP about a month ago, and this is the first I've had dual I'm still learning. I've noticed the following: If the cursor is on my Cinema Display and I move it left toward the HP, at about the top 1/4 of the screen the cursor won't cross comes to the edge of the screen and stops. I have to move the cursor more toward the middle to cross over. When I move the cursor down toward the middle of the Cinema Display, it crosses over but appears a the top of the HP.
A similar thing happens moving from the HP to the Cinema Display, except at the bottom of the screen. The cursor won't cross for about the bottom 1/4 of the HP, and when I move the cursor up so it will cross, it appears at the bottom of the Cinema Display. It's almost like these screens are out of alignment....the HP sitting a few inches higher than the Cinema Display. My eyes aren't what they used to be, so the HP is set to 1344x756 and the Cinema Display is set to 1344x756 to make everything larger. However, I tried many variations of the resolution on both screens to see if that changed didn't.
2.66 Ghz Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3, Apple Cinema Display

OS X :: Two Finger Windows Moving By Hovering Cursor Over Bar ?

Jan 24, 2009

I love my multitouch pad on my MacBook. Honestly, I prefer using it to any mouse!But it occurs to me that the ability to move windows by hovering the cursor over the bar at the top, then using the two finger scroll motion, would be really useful.Anyone know any mods that can do this

OS X :: IMac Freezes - Only Mouse Cursor Moving

Jul 3, 2009

I am be watching a movie on my iMac, or just do other tasks, and everything would all of a sudden freeze up on me, with the mouse cursor the only thing moving around. The system wont let me do anything, and I have to hold down the power button to shut it off.

IMac PPC :: Why Mouse Won't Work - Cursor Is Not Moving?

ClickerApr 23, 2012

I just got a used iMac (running 10.5.8) with the metal keyboard and mouse. I unpacked the box, plugged in the computer, hooked up the keyboard and mouse.The computer screen came up. I can move around a little via the keyboard's arrow keys but the cursor will not move via the mouse. I got it to move a little by swiping my thumb across the back but that is it. I switched my older, working, keyboard and mouse to the newer machine and it didn't work there. I switched the newer metal keyboard and mouse my older iMac and they worked just fine. What could be going on with the new (but used) computer? I have tried every port for the mouse, keyboard as well as every back port but nothing moves the cursor.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Computer was shipped from CA to NY.

Mac Mini :: Cursor/arrow Keys Not Moving?

Jun 24, 2012

I am having problems with my cursor on my macbook. Since a recent software update I've not been able to move the cursor in any app. The only way it moves is when I type. I use the arrow-keys to quickly move around menus but that is impossible. I have looked at all the settings I can think of looking at, but nothing makes any difference. Helen BTW the OS is 10.6.8
early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM

IMac (Intel) :: Mouse Moving But Not Clicking?

Dec 8, 2014

On restart the mouse moves but does not click. I thought it was the mouse and bought new one. After 24 hours same issue with the new mouse. Bought a new Apple Mouse yesterday and this morning same issue again. Usually after a wait the clicking becomes available.

Intel Mac :: Cursor Is Moving On It's Own And Pages Scroll On Their Own When In Safari Or Documents?

Auto Clicker For Mac Book ProJun 6, 2012

My iMac developed an issue where the cursor is impossible to control (jumps) and pages in all programs will scroll on their own.It occurs even when the mouse and keyboard are disabled, so it is not a hardware problem with those devices.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

OS X :: Cursor Moves Automatically To Install Button

Aug 31, 2009

When I try to run an app which requires Rosetta, the install Rosetta dialog box appears which is fine. However, the cursor automatically actually moves to the dialog box and positions itself right above the Install button. It doesn't actually click it but it kinda freaked me out to see it happen.

OS X :: Cursor Tracking Speed Reset Automatically On Reboot

Apr 27, 2010

My Mac's cursor tracking speed keeps resetting itself whenever I reboot. I can set the preference again but as soon as I shut down or restart it's right back to being super-sensitive. At first I thought it was interference from my other (bluetooth) mouse. But I disconnected it and am still having the issue.

Auto clicker for macbook pro free

Applications :: Automatically Loading A Webpage And Clicking Links?

Jun 8, 2009

I have tried using automator to load a webpage, click links and then log out. I for some reason cannot get it to work.
I used the recorder function to do this as I was unsure how to do it any other way.
I need to be able to get it to run at set amounts of time.

Intel Mac :: Cursor It Automatically Selects While Hovering - How To Change To A Manual Click

May 8, 2012

Example: If my track pad hovers over the SEND button in e-mail, it sends it without me clicking. Or the TRASH CAN, it deletes it. How do I make this a manual process, requiring a click?

Intel Mac :: Apple Magic Trackpad Automatically Left Clicking

Mar 12, 2012

Since I have done a disk repair (only change I can think of that may have had an impact) my Apple Magic Trackpad now randomly acts as though there is a 'left click' being passed through. Sometimes it gets 'stuck' in this left click mode. I've tried turning off single tap for left click in System Preferences, but to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27', 3GHz, 8GB, 1TB

Hardware :: Turn Off 'Clicking And Cursor' On Magic Trackpad?

Aug 2, 2010

Is it possible to disable the 'clicking and cursor' aspect of the Pad and only use it for scrolling and gestures? I would want to use it for my left hand while still having my mouse act as my cursor and clicking device in my right. I just wouldn't want the two to interfere.

OS X :: Automatically Moving New Files On Desktop To Folder?

Feb 22, 2010

I've been using Macs for awhile, and am growing to love them for sure. I'm starting to dabble with Applescript, and things like that... just delving into the magic of Apple products, and I'm coming up with a few questions, one of which I'm posting here!
I'm interested in leaving three icons on the desktop at all times. My 'Macintosh HD' icon, a 'Lost&Found' folder and a alias to a server I use consistently. All other files I want moved into the Lost&Found Folder on a consistent basis, and I want to delete these files weekly, or bi-weekly. I'm unsure as to if I should make an Applescript for this, or if there's a utility out there to do this. I have looked around a bit already, and haven't found much.

Why Are ICloud Emails Moving Into Trash Automatically

Jun 25, 2012

My wife has a MacBook running the latest version of Lion.In the last few days somehow Mac Mail has started to move many incoming messages into the trash, automatically.There are no rules set. I will move the emails back into the inbox, but then they get moved back.I have rebuilt the mailbox. Reset permissions. The computer is completely up to date.There are no settings in her iPhone that I can see that would cause this, and she doesn't access her iCloud email from other computers.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4), G5

MacBook Air :: Track-pad Is Right Clicking When Clicking The Left Button?

Jun 5, 2012

I recently split a bit of coke on my macbook now my keyboard doesnt work and my trackpad is right clicking when i want to left click.
MacBook Air

MacBook Pro :: Harddrive Clicking / And Have The Clicking Noise?

Sep 6, 2010

I may have found a solution for all the people out there who upgraded their hd's to a 7200rpm and have the clicking noise. Apple released a firmware update for the 7200rpm drives that shipped with the uMBP. You can get the file from here.I don't know if this will fix only the hd's shipped with the MBP or any 7200rpm drive but its worth a try.PS: Also i ask that anyone who tries this please report back on your results.

Applications :: Disappearing Cursor From Word 2008 / Cursor Disappears While Writing

Apr 11, 2010

Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...
Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...

MacBook Pro :: How To Fix Mouse And Key Cursor Lag

May 7, 2010

Auto Clicker For Macbook Pro

I'm switching over from Vista so still trying to get used to snow leopard. Couple of things that are bugging me:
1) The trackpad seems to lag slightly when I select text or re-position windows on the screen. What I mean is that when I double click and drag to select some text for example, when I lift my finger from the trackpad (which should end the select procedure) and move the cursor elsewhere, text selection still happens. The only way around this is to not touch the trackpad for about a second before I can move the mouse cursor elsewhere. Is there a way to get rid of this 1 second lag?
2) When I'm typing, and want to move the key cursor over my text, when holding down the arrow keys, the cursor still moves over text very slowly. Is there a way to speed this up?


Does your MacBook Pro seem to randomly turn off? You are not alone.

If your MacBook Pro randomly shuts down or randomly turns off, this the solution.

This is a widespread bug affecting tens of thousands of MacBook Pros all over the world.

This utility is guaranteed to solve this problem on any affected unit.

Simply click to run the app and crashes will be gone. If you are are satisfied, add it to your log in items and it will start automatically and run silently in the background to prevent these annoying crashes.

Auto Clickers For Mac That Work

Short Instructional video and success stories –

Known Affected Units:
Any model with a 820-3662 Logic Board
Any model with a 820-3787 Logic Board
Macbook Pro 15″ 2013
Macbook Pro 15″ 2014
Macbook Pro 15″ 2015

Auto Clicker For Macbook Pro 2020

Macbook Pro 13″ 2013
Macbook Pro 13″ 2014
Macbook Pro 13″ 2015

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::How to add to Login Item::

Free Atout Clicker For Mac

::Note: If you get a Gatekeeper warning on Catalina, just right click (or control click) to open the app. You will then have an option to run.::

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